Interested in local culture? Grassroots initiatives? Game jams (board, rpg, or more)? Sharing your own creations and art? Then read on!
Planar Publishing is a non-profit initiative towards tabletop-game-related zines. Zines are small, easily printable and distributable publications that very literally anyone can make. In the context of tabletop games, they can be
- micro-rpgs,
- campaign/adventure ideas,
- compact board games or card game rules,
- world-building tips,
- tutorials on your super dope technique for painting minis,
or even more artistic approaches such as
- an impassioned expression of why you like a certain game,
- your take on how games can improve a societal issue
- your own little recipe book for good RPG snacks! Literally anything goes that you'd like to express in a short-form publication.
Planar Publishing aims to encourage tabletop-game-related short-form publications (generally zines), compile and manage a library of said creations, and set up a stalls at Irish games conventions to distribute them on a non-profit basis, with all proceeds going to zine authors.
If you'd like to make a contribution, please let us know at this address!! Planar Publishing is built with open-source content in mind; we're currently accepting any open-source contribution you'd like to make related to tabletop games. How about non-game-related things?? Sure!!! If you'd like it to be part of this collection then send us an email and we can talk about it.